Buenos Aires


Buenos Aires

After a tedious 14 hour flight to Buenos Aires, I’ve arrived safe and well.

Just before takeoff, I realised that I had left my phone in Pauli’s car which added some unnecessary stress and suspense. How am I supposed to call someone whose number is saved in my phone, which they have? I managed to find the landline number on the internet while sitting in the Lufthansa Lounge, (Schöpflins still have a landline) and I actually found a payphone at Munich Airport. Thank you Pauli for driving me to the airport and then coming all the way back to bring me my phone!

Conclusion: Make a list of all necessary numbers, safe it on iCloud and print it out


I realised, only in Buenos Aires, that my belt was still lying by the airport security in Frankfurt…

Now I’ve got a nice new, handmade/hand-decorated one, that only cost me 6€, and with this I decided to start a list of all the things I loose on this trip.

First entry:

  • Belt, October 14th, Frankfurt Main

Other than that, Buenos Aires is treating me well, I immediately felt good here. From the Airport, I took a Tienda Leon bus and after that a Taxi to the hotel which, all in all, cost 10€ . The hotel is very simple but clean and right next to Plaza De Mayo, very central to Buenos Aires.

Since all banks are closed on a Sunday, the hotel sent me to a street vendor to exchange my money. To be smart, you get the money from the vendor first, double check the amount and then pay them out in euros or dollars, just to ensure that its fair trade (my first vendor even exchanged me a business card to ensure future business)

Since I arrived quite early, I spent my time before check-in on the Hop-on Hop-off bus to get the touristing part of my stay, out of the way. Now I have a metro card and I’m running around the city like a local, at least almost like a local. Buenos Aires is relatively clean and there isn’t much commotion on the roads, lets see how this is during the week.

Travelling has gotten very easy, thanks to new technology. There is now a Subway Buenos Aires app that lets you know how to efficiently get to places. The only problem with this is that you cannot loose your phone, or in my case, your brain.

I booked a quick golf session (it’s very hard to find a left handed gold club), other than that, theres not much else I can do around here since all my sport stuff is in the camper.

Seeing as my company will not be paying my phone for a while, I have an Argentinien sim card. I mostly need internet for navigation purposes. I don’t know if I’ll be needing internet in the other countries seeing as I have my TomTom, and there’s always an abundance of Hotspots.

Purchasing and filling up of the card was all done in Spanish, the first big test. As the Spanish say, mucho papeles

Whilst changing buses, my water bottle fell out of my backpack and this was only brought to my attention after the bus had left by other passengers. It’s not the first time with this backpack and I’m lucky it was just my bottle and not the iPad or cellphone. This backpack will never leave South America(at least not with me), the same with my wetsuit, gifting it to someone who might need it.

This is the reason why I bought myself a new, trustworthy Thule backpack for 100€.

I went back to my shipping agency, everything is good but they couldn’t make any copies of the passport but he could scan and print (?!?!) The 45 Dollar for the courier was forgotten about, a mistake made by MOL. Everything seemed okay on their end, no extra cost for me and and I was approved a good client…

Appointment on Friday in Zarate to sort out Emmazwo, hopefully I get her soon.

For now, I’m ready to leave Buenos Aires, a huge city with lots to do but I’ve done enough. Yesterday I still visited Cementerio de la Recoleta, and at the Mausoleum of Evita Perro.

The Youth Olympic Games 2018 is currently on going in Buenos Aires, and I watched the high diving. Germany game 2nd, Austria didn’t even take part.

Adios Buenos Aires, I want to drive with Emmazwo now.